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Inaugural Award Ceremony 2020

Inaugural Award Ceremony of Higher Diploma in Library Information Science was held on 28.08.2020 at Sri Lanka Foundation.  Prof. Sudantha Liyanage, Vice Chancellor, University of Sri Jayewardenepura was grace the occasion as Chief Guest. Accompanied with Chief Guest, President of SLLA, Dr. Nayana Wijayasundara and Education Officer of SLLA, Dr. Champa Alahakoon were handed over the certificates to 104 students  who have successfully completed their Higher Diploma in Library Information Science (HDIPLIS).

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First Council Meeting and Pahan Pooja

First council meeting of SLLA (2020/21) was held on 03rd October 2020 at the hotel Mahagedara ,Anuradapura. President  Dr. Ruwan Gamage , Immideate Past President  Dr. (Mrs) Nayana Wijayasundara, General Secretary Dr (Mrs.) K.R.N Harshani

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60th AGM of SLLA

60th Annual General Meeting of Sri Lanka Library Association was held on18th September, 2020 at Sri Lanka Foundation, Colombo 07. After the spectacular ceremonial procession the AGM was inaugurated with lighting traditional oil lamp by the Chief Guest, Mrs. Gayani de Alwis, Global Chairperson Women in Logistics & Transport (WiLAT), Dr. (Mrs) Nayana Wijayasundara (President, SLLA ), Dr. Ruwan Gamage (President-Elect, SLLA), Dr. (Mrs) Pradeepa Wijetunge (Nominated Council Member, SLLA) and Mrs. Lilamani Amerasekara (General Secretary, SLLA) and other council members and dignitaries of the event. Past presidents of SLLA , members and other LIS professionals participated in the event.Publication officer of SLLA Mr.M.N.Ravikumar has officaly released two issues of Sri Lanka Library Review Journal and handed over to the dignitaries of the event.In addition to the inspiring addresses delivered by the Chief Guest presentation of awards and certificates were also held at the inauguration ceremony. After the inauguration ceremony new council members and professional group conveners were selected for the year 2020/2021. Finally Dr. Ruwan Gamage (Actg. Director of NILIS, University of Colombo) was honoured as new president of SLLA.







Contact Us
Sri Lanka Library Association

Organization of Professional Associations (OPA),
275/75, Stanley Wijesundara Mawatha,
Colombo 07,Sri Lanka.
Tel/Fax: +94-11-2589103
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Office Opening Hours
Monday to Friday | 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM

Council Members
President         : Dr. Ananda Tissa
Gen.Secretary:  Mrs. Varuni Gangabadaarachchi
Edu. Officer: Mrs. K.N. Samanthi | 

Web Related Contact
Web Coordinator: Mr. C.N.D. Punchihewa

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Designed & Maintained by M N Ravikumar